• Ekavira – 3 (Ekavīrā - 3)

    While slaying Andhakāsura (Andhakasura), Mahādeva (Mahadeva) created out of his body innumerable Mātṛkā (Matrika; a kind of lesser female deities) in order to get their assistance in the slaying of the Asura.  Ekavīrā (Ekvira) (Ekavira) was one of these Mātṛkā.

  • Ekayana (Ekāyana)

    Ekāyana(Ekayana) is a ṛṣi (rishi; sage). He is one of those sages whose names are mentioned in Purāṇa (Purana) as gotra-pravartaka (clan-founder) of the Bhārgava (Bhargava) clan.

  • Elamukha (Elāmukha)

    In Matsyapurāṇa (Matsyapurana), it is said that when Hiraṇyakaśipu (Hiranyakasipu) launched an attack upon heaven, several Nāga(s) (Naga; Snake) living in Pātāla (Patala; the underworld) trembled under the pressure of his feet. Elāmukha(Elamukha) was one of these sanakes.

  • Elaparna (Elāparṇa)

    See Elāpatra (Elapatra)

  • Elapatra (Elāpatra )

    Elāpatra (Elapatra) is one of the Nāga(s) (Naga; Snake) born of the womb of Kadru, and sired by Kaśyapa (Kasyapa) Prajāpati (Prajapati). Elāpatra was one of the distinuished Nāga  living in Bhogavatīpurī (Bhogavatipuri, the city of Bhogavati), as mentioned by Nārada (Narada)to Mātali (Matali). When the gods wanted to know the way to stop Janamejaya’s […]

  • Elapatra (Elapatra)

    See Elāpatra (Elapatra)

  • Elapura (Elāpura)

    Elāpura(Elapura) is a sacred Pitṛtīrtha (Pitritirtha; a site of pilgrimage dedicated to the spirits of forefathers). It is sacred place suitable for performing the śrāddha (sraddha; post-funeral ritual dedicated to the deceased) ritual. matsa This is probably located in modern Elora.  However, Cunningham has identified the place called Verawal in Kathiawad, as the ancient Elāpura.

  • Elaputra (Elāputra)

    See Elāpatra (Elapatra)

  • Eraka -1 (Eraka - 1)

    The dictionary-meaning of the term ‘eraka’ is a kind of watery weed or grass, known in local Bengali as ‘Nalkhagra’ or ‘Hogla’.In the annotations of Carakasaṁhitā (Charakasamhita), the meaning of the term ‘eraka’ is mentioned as ‘Hoggala’ or ‘Hogla’. Cursed  by the sages, Śāmva (Samva), the son of Kṛṣṇa (Krishna), gave birth to a muṣala […]

  • Eraka -2 (Eraka - 2)

    Eraka is one of the Nāga(s) (Naga; Snake) born in the Kauravya clan, who got burned in the fire of the Sarpasatra (a fire-ritual for destroying sankes)of Janamejaya.

  • Eraka 2 (Eraka 2)

    Eraka was one of the snakes who were born in the Kauravya clan and were burnt in Janamejaya’s Sarpasatra fire (a yajna which was performed to destroy the snakes born of Kauravya clan). .
