Aśva (Aswa) is one of the hundred and eight names of Śiva-Mahādeva (Siva Mahadeva). Aśva or horse is a symbol of power and motion. In the development of Indian civilisation, the domestication of horses is an important factor. In Veda and the Brāhmaṇa-texts, there are repeated mention of the importance of horses as useful resources of warfare. Thu, before the advent of machine power, horse was the sole symbol and source of motion, speed and force. This importance of horses has been further glorified through the legend of the rise of Uccaiḥśravā (Ucchaihsrava) at the time of Samudramanhana. Nīlakaṇṭha (Nilakantha), the commentator, while explaining the meaning of ‘Aśva’ as the name of Mahādeva, has said, aśvaḥ uccaiḥśravādirūpaḥ. The Aryans have attributed this name to Mahādeva as a memorrendum of the discovery of motion and power through the horse. Mahādeva is the source of motion and power. Āśuga is another name of Aśva. Thus ‘Aśva’ can be a derivation of this second name, also denoting speed.