Upadeśakara (Upadesakara) was one of the eight thousand names of Śiva (Siva). Upadeśakara (Upadesakara) means someone who gives advice. Generally, parents, teachers and other senior persons give advice. Lord Śiva (Siva) is the God, the creator and nurturer of all the humans and he is like our guardian. He imparts the jñan (jnan) or knowledge and the consciousness. So he also our teacher. In the Upaniṣada (Upanishada), the Brahma was imagined as the Guru or teacher, who gave advice on all the mantras of the Vedās (Vedas)-
Sa gururbhavati sa sarveṣāṃ (sarvesam) mantrāṇāmupadeṣtā (mantranamupadeshta) bhavati|
In this context, Parameśwara Mahādeva ( Parameswara Mahadeva) was called the Upadeśakara (Upadesakara) the epitome of jñan (jnan) or knowledge and one who also imparted knowledge.