– After completing agnyādhāna, the gṛhastha becomes āhitāgni. Through the ritual introduction of gārhapatya agni, after getting married, the holy fire becomes āhita(ahita; embedded) in the Brāhmaṇa. That āhitāgni Brāhmaṇa goes through certain rituals throughout his life. He has to perform agnihotra regularly, the equipments of performing yajña — that are called yajñāyudha, remain with him until his death. Mahābhārata says — the best among all virtuous persons, is the one who becomes āhitāgni after establishing the fire for agnihotra homa, since all the Vedas are embedded in Dakṣināgni, Gārhapatya agni and Āhavanīya agni. The Brāhmaṇa who never renounces his homa-ritual, is āhitāgni Brāhmaṇa. It is better not to establish the ritual fire at all, than to do it and yet not to perform agnihotra. Āhitāgni Brāhmaṇa will never remain inactive without performing agnihotra —
āhitāgnirhi dharmātmā yaḥ sa puṇyakṛduttamaḥ
vedā hi sarve rājendra sthitāstriṣvagniṣu prabho.
sa cāpyagnāhito vipraḥ kriyā yasya na hīyate
śreyo nāhitāgnitvaṁagnihotraṁ na niṣkriyaḥ.
Śavaraśvāmī belonging to Mīmāṃsādarśana has cited the words of Śruti, and said, the body of āhitāgni brāhmaṇa has to be cremated along with the equipments of yajña used by him.
āhitāgniṃ agnibhirdahanti yajñapātraścai
From this statement, we can determine the relation between āhitāgni brāhmaṇa and his yajña-equipments. As Śavarasvāmī has written, we find this in the funeral of Rāvaṇa in Rāmāyaṇa. It is shown that Rāvaṇa̍s body is prepared for the fire-cremation. Sruva filled with curd and ājya, the carriage bearing somalatā was placed on the legs, ulūkhala and araṇi, uttarāraṇi and other wooden containers are placed in between his two knees. The bearers of the body started moving forward, the advaryu(s), carrying the fire-containers, proceeded. It means, Rāvaṇa, son of a sage, performed the foundation of agni after his marriage, and those equipments went along with him after his death.