Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) indicates a varṣa (varsha) or piece of land situated in the northern side of the Himālaya (Himalaya) mountain. In the Mahābhārata (Mahabharata), it was known as ‘Nānādeśayukta’ (Nanadesayukta) varṣa (varsha) or ‘Nānājanapadāvṛtaṃ’ (Nanajanapadavritam). Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) was spread up to the north sea of the Śṛṇgiparvata (Sringiparvata). In the south of the Himālaya (Himalaya), laid Bhāratvarṣa (Bharatvarsha) and Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) stood at the northern side of the Himālaya (Himalaya)-
Uttareṇa tu śṛṇgasya samudrānte janādhipa.
Varṣamairāvataṃ nāma tasmācchaṇgavataḥ paraṃ.
Dhanuḥ saṁasthe mahāraja dve varṣe dakṣiṇottare.

While writing about the geographical location of Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) in this śloka (sloka or rhyme), Nīlkaṇtha (Nilkantha) comments-
Evamākāraṃ dakṣiṇe bhāratavarṣaṃ
Uttare airāvataṃ.

In the Bhīṣmaparva (Bhishmaparva), many spacial characteristics of Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) were mentioned. It can be known from this document that the power of sunlight was less in Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha). There, the moon in the night and another star other than the sun were noticed in the sky-
Na tatra sūryastapati na jīrjyante ca mānavāḥ.
Candramāśca sanakṣatro jyotirbhūta ivāparaḥ.
In this context, it can be noted that the geographical characteristics of this place is similar to that of the places around Siberia. When there is continuous night for six months in Siberia, one star is always seen to move in the sky. For its geographical position, the brightness of the sun is decreased in Siberia. Moreover in the Bhīṣmaparva (Bhishmaparva), it was also said that the people living in Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) were almost as beautiful as gods. their complexion was reddish white (like the colour of lotus) an they had longer lives.

According to the scholar, Subodh Kapoor, Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha) which was situated in the north of Jambudvīpa, was also famous as the country of great elephants. It means that kinds of ‘Myāmotha’ (Myamotha or a kind of giant elephants) elephants could be found here. For this very reason, this land was known as Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha). In this perspective, it can be mentioned that the remains of ‘Myāmotha’ (Myamotha or a kind of giant elephants) was only discovered in Siberia amidst whole Asia continent. So the modern Siberia can be the ancient location of Airāvatavarṣa (Airavatavarsha).

[EAIG (Kapoor) p. 20].