Āsana (Asana; a seat) is called Yogapītha (Yogapitha; the seat for Yogic practices). A seat like Yogapītha is called Āsana. Donating the āsana brings about good fortune and deliverence. An ascetic can use four types of āsana — made of kāṣṭha (kastha, wood), carma (charma; leather), vastra (cloth), and taijasa (metal). During worship, the devotee cannot sit on any kind of āsana. For this he should make a seat of wood, and the seat will be twenty four fingers in length, sixteen fingers in breadth and four fingers in height. The āsana made of cloth will not be more than two arms in length, more than half an arm in breadth and above three fingers in height. In case of a carmāsana (leather-made seat), length and breadth can be according to one’s choice, but it should not be more than six fingers in height. The āsana can be made of any metal except iron, brass and lead.