Aśoka (Asoka) is the charioteer of Bhīmasena (Bhimasena). In almost all places of Mahābhārata (Mahabharata), we have the mention of ‘Viśoka’ (Visoka) as the charioteer of Bhīma .Only once in Bhīṣmaparva (Bhishmasena), when during a fight between Bhīma and Śrutāyu (Srutayu) , king of Kaliṅga (Kalinga), Bhīma’s chariot got destroyed, the charioteer Aśoka brought a new chariot for Bhīmasena. Haridāsa Siddhāntavāgīśa (Haridasa Siddhantavagisa), in his Kaumudī Tīkā (Kaumudi Tika), has written that Viśoka and Aśoka, are the same person.