Lord Śiva (Shiva) created many Mātrikā (Matrika or a kind of goddesses) from his own body to help in killing Aṇdhakāsura (Andhakasura). After slaying Aṇdhakāsura (Andhakasura), these Mātrikās (Matrikas or a kind of goddesses) intended to satiate their hunger by devouring the whole creation. Lord Śiva (Shiva) could not control them. So he took help of Nṛsiṁha (Nrisimha). To control these Mātrikās (Matrikas or a kind of goddesses), Nṛsiṁha (Nrisingha) sent Mātrikā (Matrika) called Śuṣkarevatī (Shuskarevati). One of the companions of Devī Śuṣkarevatī ( Devi Shuskarevati) was Uttarmālikā (Uttarmalika).